Star of the Morning on Audible!

Star of the Morning was released on Audible a few days ago.  Massive thanks to author LL Muir for introducing me to James McCreadie of Duncurra LLC who did all the Gaelic pronunciations for Tantor’s great narrator, Laura Jennings. I’m really happy with the results and hope you’ll enjoy it!


  1. Jenny Monaco says:

    Will the other books be released on Audible soon?

  2. Stacey Jones says:

    Yes! I love this series. Look forward to hearing the audio version.

  3. Anne says:

    How wonderful! I have acquired this, and the Mage’s Daughter, and have been happily listening. I look forward to being able to hear the rest….
    Thank you!

  4. Kelly Champion says:

    I am so excited to listen to this. I love your books but especially this series. I will be downloading this shortly since I am an avid Audible customer

  5. Susan Goodell says:

    I purchased it immediately when I saw it was available. Then the other 2 in the series as soon as they were available as well. I will be watching for more to come.
    I love your books!

  6. Nicole Lee says:

    I LOVED the audiobooks Lynn!! I finally learned how Miach’s full name was pronounced and how you were supposed to say Mhorghain! 😄 I think I’ve read this trilogy 5 times so I was happy to get an audio option. Are there plans to record the rest of the trilogies?

  7. Susan Goodell says:

    I loved listening to all 3 as soon as they were released. I hope the others in the series will be available on Audible as well. I love all of this series as well as all of your books.

    • LynnK says:

      So glad you liked them, Susan. Penguin still holds the rights for the rest of the series, so I have no say over anything going to audible . . . yet. It’s something I’m going to try to work on. I would love to see the entire series out in audio!

  8. Kelly Champion says:

    I initially agreed with some of the others about your choice of narrator but after listening to all 3 I like her better. the only thing I don’t like is I can’t distinguish between when she says “Morgan” and “Morghain”. I may have gotten the spellings wrong but you catch my drift. I eagerly await all the rest. I love this series

    • Lynn says:

      Thank you, Kelly, for that observation about Morgan’s names. Honestly, I’ve been so nervous about the whole thing that I haven’t even listened. :) I had to be pretty insistent about getting Penguin to let me provide a pronunciation list and I wasn’t allowed to approve anything before it went live so that was a real nail-biter for me. The choice of narrator was also made by them, but the narrator really went out of her way to work with me within the parameters we were given. I hope in the end it gives us all a good audio option. :)

  9. Anne says:

    I have now listened to all of them at least three times (well, I’ve 4 hours left in the third – the sword has just been reforged).
    The narrator does a very good job. Morgan and Morghain are distinguishable by a sight trill in the “r”.
    Here’s hoping the publishers approve audible for all your books.
    Happy April!

  10. kimberly says:

    So enjoyed the first three nine kingdoms audio. Hoping they (the powers that be) will do the rest and not pull the stunt they did with the De Piaget. Is there any chance you can get the name and address of the person at Penguin/Recorded Books we could write to, to try to get them to do at least the rest of the De Piaget, if not also the Macleods. I have the 6 that they did do and really enjoy them. Ms. Ilyana Kadushin did an excellent job on the ones she did. Having her do the others would be a huge bonus.

    Thank you for the fantastic job you do.

    • LynnK says:

      I would definitely like to see everything out in audio, but it’s definitely up to Penguin at the moment. I’m working on changing that. :)

  11. Vic Kreh says:

    Anything new on the depaget’s or McLeod series.

  12. Dwight Hardin says:

    I just finished listening to all of the first three books..


    I’ve been reading the series since I found it at a bookstore.

  13. Dwight Hardin says:

    I love the first three books.

    The second series was even better – I’d like it from Audible.

  14. Kate says:

    So sad that I can’t buy these. I live in New Zealand so am outside the geographic rights area. Anything that could be done about this in the future would be hugely appreciated!

  15. Rita Morrison says:

    I love your books! Every single one of them! I have a question regarding the Nine Kingdoms series. Will there be a book #12?? At the end of the eleventh, I was sure there would be. Its hard waiting! If the answer is positive, when will the book be released, approximately?? Please don’t stop writing!!

  16. Alanna says:

    Your incredible series has inspired me to learn Gaelic. I am curious however if this series is loosely set in Ireland, or Scotland? I can choose to learn “Irish Gaelic” or Scottish. Any insight would make the experience more enjoyable.
    Thank you!

    • LynnK says:

      Hi Alanna, the short answer is Scottish Gaelic. :) A fantastic Scottish internet friend (and apparently a couple of his mates) made a proper pronunciation guide for me to give to the narrator for the audio series, so there’s that. I’d love to hear about your progress!

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